[宣武医院背景资料] 宣武医院是首都医科大学第一临床医学院。自1958年创建至今,一直是以神经科学为重点的综台医院,是新中国神经科学的初创基地之一和神经科学医生的摇篮。1985年后,随着医院发展战略的转移,开始了老年医学与神经科学并驾齐驱协同发展的新里程,逐步成为以神经科学与老年医学的临床与研究、教学为特色,综合实力居于国内领先地位的大型三级甲等综合医院。目前,中心/医院开设病床10OO张,日门诊量4000人次。有职工2000名,其中高级
[Background information of Xuanwu Hospital] Xuanwu Hospital is the first clinical medical school of Capital Medical University. Since its founding in 1958, it has been a comprehensive hospital focused on neuroscience. It is one of the starting bases for neuroscience in New China and the cradle of neuroscience doctors. After 1985, with the transfer of hospital development strategies, the geriatrics and neuroscience began a new era of coordinated development. It gradually became the clinical and research and teaching of neuroscience and geriatrics, and its comprehensive strength was at the leading position in China. Large three-level general hospital. At present, the center/hospital has 10OO beds and 4,000 outpatient visits. 2,000 employees, including senior