目的 了解城市居民NIDDM的危险因素 ,制定针对高危人群及全人群的干预措施。方法 对 12 6例NIDDM患者进行 1:1配对病例对照研究 ,采用条件Logistic回归模型分析。结果 糖尿病家族史 (OR =3 713)、高脂血症 (OR =3 2 92 )、体重指数 (OR =3 0 5 5 )、高血压、饮食习惯 (喜荤食、喜甜食 )等是NIDDM的主要危险因素。结论 遗传在NIDDM发病中起重要作用 ,肥胖、高血压、高血脂症在NIDDM的病因中为最受重视的环境危险因素。应对城市居民NIDDM高危人群及全人群提倡合理膳食 ,采用适度活动 ,控制体重和血压 ,加强对社区一般人群糖尿病知识的宣传 ,提高居民的自我保健意识。
Objective To understand the risk factors of urban residents with NIDDM and to develop interventions aimed at high-risk groups and the whole population. Methods One-to-one matched case-control study was performed on 126 patients with NIDDM and analyzed by conditional Logistic regression model. Results The family history of diabetes (OR = 3 713), hyperlipidemia (OR = 3292), body mass index (OR = 3055), hypertension, dietary habits The main risk factors. Conclusion Heredity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of NIDDM. Obesity, hypertension and hyperlipidemia are the most important environmental risk factors in the etiology of NIDDM. Responding to urban residents NIDDM high risk groups and the whole population to promote a reasonable diet, the use of appropriate activities, weight control and blood pressure, strengthen the general community of diabetes awareness of the publicity and improve residents’ awareness of self-care.