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由国际大学生体育联合会主办,中国大学生体育协会、天津师范大学承办的第三届世界大学生桥牌锦标赛,于1021日至26日在天津师范大学举行。李岚清同志为大赛题词:“智力之竞赛,友谊之桥梁。”国务委员陈至以发来贺信,对第三届世界大学生桥牌锦标赛成功举办表示祝贺,并希望参赛选手发扬奥精神赛出风格、赛出友谊、赛出成绩,充分展示当代大学生积极向上的精神风貌,为增进中外大学生的团结和友谊作出积极贡献。教育部副部长、中国大学生体育协会主席章新胜,第三届世界大学生桥牌锦标赛组委会副主席、国际大学生体育联合会执行委员凯梅尔·塔莫出席了开幕式,并分别致词。世界大学生桥牌棉标赛每两年举办一次,前两届分别在比利时和土耳其举行,并与世界桥牌联合会组织的比赛同时进行。本届比赛是国际大学生体育联合会第一次独立举办世界大学生桥牌锦标赛,同时也是中国首次举办世界大学生智力体育赛事。据悉,本届大赛无论是参赛国家和地区的数量、报名队伍数量还是运动员人数都超过往届。报名的运动员平均年龄在23岁左右。基本代表本国和本地区大学生桥牌运动的最高水平,这些大学包括美国斯坦福大学、挪威大学、德国汉诺威大学等。 Sponsored by the International Students Sports Federation, China University Sports Association, Tianjin Normal University hosted the Third World University Bridge Championships, held in Tianjin Normal University from 1021 to 26. Comrade Li Lanqing inscribed the inscription as “the contest of intelligence and the bridge of friendship.” State Councilor Chen Zhiyi sent a congratulatory message to congratulate the successful holding of the Third World University Bridge Championships and hoped that the contestants would carry forward the spirit and style of Olympic Games Out of friendship, race results, fully demonstrate the positive spirit of contemporary college students, to promote the unity and friendship between Chinese and foreign students make a positive contribution. Zhang Xinsheng, vice minister of Ministry of Education, chairman of China University Sports Association, Kemer Ta Mo, vice chairman of the organizing committee of the Third World University Bridge Championships and executive director of the International Collegiate Athletic Federation attended the opening ceremony and addressed separately. The World Undergraduate Bridge Cotton Contest is held every two years. The first two sessions were held in Belgium and Turkey respectively and coincided with the World Bridge Federation competition. This competition is the first time for the International Students Sports Federation to hold the Wushu Bridge Championship, and it is also the first time for China to host the Wushu sport. It is reported that both the number of participating countries and regions in this contest, the number of applicants or the number of athletes than in previous years. The average age of athletes registered 23 years old. Basically represent the highest level of bridge movement of university students in our country and in our region, such as Stanford University in the United States, Norwegian University, Hannover University in Germany.