一、事故种类根据我省当前使用菌苗的种类和以往发生事故的情况,可能发生的事故有以下几种: 1.皮上划痕卡介苗误作皮内或皮下注射。 2.皮内注射卡介苗误作皮下注射或由于技术不熟练注射过深而进入皮下。 3.误将皮内注射卡介苗或皮上划痕卡介苗当作结核菌素进行皮内试验,即不作结素直接接种卡介苗。其结果是: (1)阳性儿童误种卡介苗。 (2)如用的是皮上划痕卡介苗,则为阳性儿童和阴性儿童均超剂量误种。
First, the type of accident According to the current use of bacteria in our province and the type of accident occurred in the past, the possible accidents are the following: 1. Skin scratch BCG mistakenly intradermal or subcutaneous injection. 2. Intradermal injection of BCG mistakenly injected subcutaneously or because of unskilled injection of technology into the skin. 3. Inadvertently intradermal injection of BCG or scratch scratched BCG as tuberculin for the intradermal test, that is, no direct inoculation of BCG vaccination. The result is: (1) positive children miscarriage BCG. (2) if the skin is scratched BCG, positive children and negative children are over dose miscarriage.