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这部《茅盾传略》(原文无题)系作者1960年春在北京大学中文系留学时所作。他当时将其寄请茅盾审阅,茅盾在手稿上作了批注和修改。今年是作者80岁寿辰,本刊特刊登这部经茅盾本人修改的从未发表过的《茅盾传略》,供茅盾研究者和中国现代文学史研究者参考。有关说明如下:一、本文据作者手稿本付印。凡茅盾的批注,均以粗括号内字印出,请读者特别注意。二、手稿上凡茅盾修改删去的文字,一般不再印出;但作者所提茅盾未作回答的问题仍予保留。三、手稿中的引文作了必要的校勘,但全文内容和引文格式则依据手稿历史原貌,不予更动。四、手稿本首页还有茅盾钢笔所书文字,照录如下:“1,知识分子的思想改造2,私营工商业的社会主义改造企业的改造;私营工商业家(资本家)的思想改造人的改造。”这是茅盾当时对作者询问他的创作计划,“未来的小说”写些什么的回答。但小说后来未能写出。 This “Mao Dun biography” (original Untitled) author of the spring of 1960, Peking University Chinese Department made when studying. At that time, he sent Mao Dun to review it. Mao Dun made annotations and revisions on the manuscript. This year is the 80th birthday of the author. This journal publishes this unpublished “Mao Dun Biography” which was revised by Mao Dun himself for the reference of researchers in Mao Dun and researchers in the history of modern Chinese literature. The instructions are as follows: First, this article is based on the manuscript of the manuscript. All Mao Dun’s comments, are printed in bold parentheses, please pay special attention to the reader. Second, the manuscript where Mao Dun modified the deleted text, generally no longer printed; but the author mentioned Mao Dun did not answer the question is still to be retained. Third, the citations in the manuscript made the necessary collation, but the full text and citation format are based on the original appearance of the manuscript, without change. Fourth, the manuscript also the home page of the text written by Mao Dun pen, as recorded below: “1, the intellectuals of the ideological transformation 2, the transformation of private industrial and commercial social transformation of enterprises; private entrepreneurs (capitalists) . ”This is Mao Dun’s answer to the author’s question about his writing plan and his“ Future Fiction ”. But the novel failed to write.
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