【摘 要】
如果你对英美文学感兴趣,那一定会听说过F. Scott Fitzgerald (F·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,1896—1940)。这位著名的小说家和编剧,被誉为“美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一”,最著名的代表作是《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby,1925)——此小说的电影版也将于今年12月上映,由好莱坞大帅哥Leonardo DiCaprio主演,势必又再掀起一股“菲茨杰拉德热”。
For a boy of fourteen his own home is the only Paradise. To live in a strange house with strange people is 1)little short of torture, while the height of bliss is to receive the kind looks of women, a
I was digging through a pile in the corner of the garage one day, hunting for a garden tool. Just as I spied it, there was a sound like two coconuts banging together, followed directly by a dull but t
During my first year in college, I was silent. I never skipped class and read every page assigned to me, but I didn’t speak. My curiosity was 1)insatiable, and I spent many quiet hours in the library,
情人节,一年中最浪漫的 天,标志着二月是爱情的月份。带着这样的想法,《疯狂英语阅读版》这期汇集了充满浪漫、激情和热爱的故事以飨读者。
安东尼娅·纳尔逊(Antonya Nelson),美国著名作家,生于1961年,主要创作小说及短篇故事,代表作有《Talking in Bed》(1996)、《Nobody’s Girl》(1998)及《Living to Tell》(2000)三部小说,另外还著有五部短篇故事集。曾荣获《芝加哥论坛报》的Heartland Award、欧康纳文学奖、欧·亨利小说奖以及美国最佳短篇小说奖等奖项。
ouples fight. It happens. Disagreements arise, heartbeats quicken, tensions escalate, tones become accusatory, threats and ultimatums quickly come to pass, whether based in truth or as a bluff, and so
我总在四处游荡 向下望着眼底的一切 粉饰的面容填满了我无法触及的那些地方
提起家暴这个话题,脑子里一直闪着由汤唯主演的曾为她夺下多个影后的电影《晚秋》。片中的主角安娜正是一个因家暴而弑夫入狱的女子。汤唯曾在一篇专访里透露,起初,她无法理解,家暴怎么会导致最终的犯罪。她无法想象,相爱的两个人怎么会有家暴,为何无法解决,为何让矛盾冲突越来越深? 有一天,汤唯在西雅图的语言老师突然跟她说:“上完课,我带你去个地方。”在一个湖边,她的语言老师—一个金发美女,一坐下,就开始讲她