
来源 :科技创新与应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l_chuanfei
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市政给排水工程作为我国城市建设中重要的基础设施之一,是一个城市的经济建设与人民群众日常生活的基础,同时也是城市基础建设日趋完善的一个重要性标志。因此,市政给排水工程质量的好坏直接影响着一座城市功能的发挥,与城市的环境保护、交通等都有着非常紧密的联系。文章通过对目前市政给排水工程监督管理中存在的问题进行深入的分析,并根据这些问题对其相关的技术与措施进行了探讨,从而有助于确保我国市政给排水工程质量的安全性。 As one of the important infrastructures in the urban construction of our country, the municipal water supply and drainage project is the foundation of the economic construction of a city and the daily life of the masses of the people. It is also an important symbol of the increasingly perfect urban infrastructure. Therefore, the quality of municipal water supply and drainage projects directly affects the performance of an urban function, and the city’s environmental protection, transportation and so has a very close relationship. The article analyzes the existing problems in the current supervision and management of municipal water supply and drainage projects and discusses the related technologies and measures according to these problems so as to help ensure the safety of the quality of municipal water supply and drainage projects.