长春市地处北半球中纬地带、欧亚大陆东岸的中国东大平原腹地 ,位于北纬 4 3°0 5′~ 4 5°15′ ,东经12 4°18′~ 12 7°0 2′ ,气候介于东部山地湿润区与西部平原半干旱区之间的过渡带 ,属温带大陆性半湿润季风气候类型。共有啮齿动物 4科 10属 13种 ;室内主要鼠种有褐家鼠
Changchun City is located in the mid-latitude zone of the northern hemisphere, the hinterland of China’s Eastern Great Plains on the east coast of the Eurasian continent and lies between 43 ° 0 5 ’~ 45 ° 15’ north and 12 4 ° 18 ’~ 12 7 ° 0 2’ east longitude, The climate ranges from the transition zone between the eastern mountainous humid zone and the western plain semi-arid zone, which belongs to the temperate continental semi-humid monsoon climate type. There are 13 rodents in 10 genera and 4 families; Rattus norvegicus is the major indoor rat species