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多重复句的教学,必须以培养学生运用多重复句来表达思想的能力为目标,而不能以检验学生的识别能力之有无为目标。只有将学生运用复句的能力培养起来了,检验、认知才有实际意义。为此,我们曾试行过一种培养学生自造多重复句的能力为主的、由简到繁逐层递加,由具体到抽象举一反三的教学方法。所谓培养学生运用多重复句的能力,就是教学时不是从书本上的例句出发,而是从学生的生活实际出发,通过分析综合,让学 Teaching polysemous sentences must aim at cultivating students’ abilities to use multi-complex sentences to express their thoughts, but not to test whether students have the ability to recognize or not. Only by using the ability of students to use complex sentences to cultivate, testing, cognition have practical significance. To this end, we have experimented with a teaching method that fosters the ability of students to create multiple repetitive sentences, from simple to complex, and from specific to abstract. The so-called ability to train students to use multiple complex sentences, that is, teaching is not starting from the example of the book, but starting from the students’ real life, through the analysis of comprehensive,
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母亲一辈子都生活在农村,虽然识字不多,但她有时说出来的话足可以让我品味一生,我知道,她的哲学都是从平时的劳作中琢磨出来的,包涵的全部是对子女无私的爱…… My mother l
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