小班幼儿入园初,我们想方设法安定幼儿情绪,使幼儿爱老师,爱上幼儿园。 1.布置一个生动有趣的环境。幼儿入园这天,园内墙上布置了色彩鲜艳的各种有趣的娃娃,玩具架上摆放了新颖的机动玩具,活动室中央有玩具表演的地方,活动室旁边的自然角里有植物、动物标本,有美丽的花草。孩子一进教室就被这些新鲜有趣的事物吸引住了,有的快乐地坐下看小熊打鼓表演,有的愉快地玩起了拖拉玩具车,有的高兴地喊着:“快来看,乌龟在爬了!”有的大叫起来:“老师,快来,虾子有两个大夹子,一夹一夹的。”他们的注意力被吸引了,暂时忘记了家长,陌生感在和谐的气氛中逐渐消失。当个别孩子有时想家时,老师就一会儿有意识地说:“快看,母鸡下蛋了。”一会儿让他
Small class early childhood admission, we find ways to stabilize the emotional child care, so that children love teachers, fall in love with kindergarten. 1. Arrange a vivid and interesting environment. Children admission day, the park layout of the colorful colorful dolls on the wall, the toy rack placed a new mobile toy, toy room activities in the middle of a place where there are plants in the natural corner of the activity room , Animal specimens, beautiful flowers. Children into the classroom was attracted to these fresh and interesting things, and some happy to sit and watch the bear drumming performances, and some play happily drag the toy car, and some happy to shout: “Come on, turtle Climbed! ”Some shouted:“ Teacher, come, the shrimp has two big clips, a folder of a clip. ”Their attention was attracted, temporarily forget the parents, strangers in a harmonious atmosphere Gradually disappear. When an individual child sometimes homesick, the teacher said consciously for a while: “Look, hen lay eggs.” Let him