为了解贵州省血红蛋白(H)病发生情况,我们于1981年9月~1982年6月在贵州省九个地区进行了H_b病调查,除发现常见的β—地中海贫血,HH合并H Barts,H_bCS(Constant Spring)及H_bE外,还发现了13种少见的异常H_b,现将调查资料报道于下。材料与方法一、调查对象:主要为贵州省九个地区15
To understand the occurrence of hemoglobin (H) disease in Guizhou Province, we conducted a survey of H_b disease in nine districts of Guizhou Province from September 1981 to June 1982. Apart from finding common β-thalassemia, HH with H Barts, H_bCS (Constant Spring) and H_bE, but also found 13 rare abnormal H_b, now the survey data reported below. Materials and methods First, the survey: mainly in nine regions of Guizhou Province 15