在分娩时,人羊膜释放花生四烯酸(AA)。它是合成前列腺素(PG)的前体。本文目的是研究 PG 产生的调节因素。鉴于羊膜有β_2-肾上腺素受体,作者研究β-激动剂异丙肾上腺索(ISO)对离体人羊膜组织 cAMP 积聚、AA 释放和 PGE_2产生的影响。实验材料自妊娠晚期孕妇剖腹产术后得到胎盘,从平滑绒毛膜和胎盘剥离出羊膜,以冰冷 NaCl(0.15M)轻洗数次并吸干,仅用未污染的羊膜。羊膜在软木板上展开并切成圆片备用。
Human amnion releases arachidonic acid (AA) during labor. It is a precursor to prostaglandins (PGs). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the regulatory factors that PG produces. In view of amnion with β 2 -adrenoceptor, we studied the effect of β-agonist isoproterenol (ISO) on cAMP accumulation, AA release and PGE 2 production in isolated human amniotic tissue. MATERIALS Placenta was obtained from a pregnant woman who had been exposed to a caesarean section in the third trimester of pregnancy. The amniotic membrane was dissected from the smooth chorionic and placenta, washed several times with ice-cold NaCl (0.15 M) and blotted dry, using only uninfected amniotic membrane. Amniotic membrane on the cork board and cut into slices spare.