在西方,对中国书法的研究在20世纪初就拉开了序幕。时至今日,虽然有〈美国的中国书法收藏和研究〉一文对美国的中国书法公私收藏和研究做了概述,但却仍未引起人们对西方中国书法研究史的足够关注和重视,尤其是20世纪初到1950年代这段滥觞时期。一对中国书法的文字和文献知识的介绍20世纪初,最早在西方学术界开始对中国艺术史进行开拓性研究的是长期从事汉学研究、具备深厚的汉语言文字功底的西方汉学家们,而其中为中国书法在西方的引进和介绍做出开拓性贡献的学者主要有英国的翟理斯[Herbert Allen Giles]和美国的夏德[Friedrich Hirth]。
In the west, the study of Chinese calligraphy kicked off in the early 20th century. Although the article “The Collection and Study of Chinese Calligraphy in the United States” is an overview of the collection and study of public and private Chinese calligraphy in the United States, it has yet to attract enough attention and attention to the history of calligraphy in Western China, especially 20 From the beginning of the century to the beginning of the 1950s. A Brief Introduction to Literary and Literary Knowledge of Chinese Calligraphy At the beginning of the 20th century, the earliest Western pioneers in Western academic research on the history of Chinese art were Western sinologists who had long been engaged in sinological studies and proficient in Chinese language writing. Among them, scholars who made pioneering contributions to the introduction and introduction of Chinese calligraphy in the West are mainly British Herbert Allen Giles and American Friedrich Hirth.