几年前,我到好朋友家去串门,在她家的冰箱上看到一张纸。乍看之下,好像是价目表,上面写着多项目常家务事,如:洗碗、吸尘、叠被子……等等,而且每一项家务事旁边,都列出了价钱——洗碗2元、扫地2元,洗车5元……等等。原来,我的好友为了训练孩子从小就能分担家事,所以写了这些项目。她也希望让读小学的孩子能明白赚钱不易,所以,干脆把家务事和零用钱连在一块儿,务求达到一石二鸟的效果。 “推行的效果如何?”我指着纸条
A few years ago, I went to a good friend’s house and saw a piece of paper in her home refrigerator. At first glance, it seems to be a price list with multi-item household chores, such as dishwashing, vacuuming, quilting ... and so on, and next to each chores there is a list of prices Bowl 2 yuan, sweeping 2 yuan, car wash 5 yuan ... and so on. It turned out that my friends in order to train children to share their family since childhood, so wrote these projects. She also hopes that children in primary schools can understand that making money is not easy. Therefore, simply combining household chores with pocket money in order to achieve the effect of two birds per stone. “What’s the effect? ” I pointed to the note