【本刊辑】2017年7月19日,中国奶业协会和农业部奶及奶制品质量监督检验测试中心(北京)发布《中国奶业质量报告(2017)》。《中国奶业质量报告(2017)》显示,2016年奶业生产和质量安全呈现五大特点:一是乳品产量保持稳定。全国奶类产量3 712万吨、乳制品产量2 993万吨,生产规模仅次于美国和印度,居世界第三位。
On July 19, 2017, China Dairy Association and Ministry of Agriculture Milk and Dairy Products Quality Supervision and Testing Center (Beijing) released “China Dairy Quality Report (2017)”. China Dairy Quality Report (2017) shows that in 2016 dairy production and quality and safety showed five major characteristics: First, the output of dairy products remained stable. The national milk production was 31.71 million tons, the output of dairy products was 29.93 million tons and the production scale was second only to the United States and India, ranking third in the world.