在原先研究成功的DSCH-1型多用酸洗缓蚀剂的基础上,对缓蚀剂的配方、添加剂的影响、缓蚀机理等,进行了进一步的研究和改进,研制成新型的DSCH-2缓蚀剂,它适用于多种金属在多种酸中酸洗时的缓蚀。例如,20锅炉钢和紫铜在55±1 ℃的HCl中缓蚀效率分别达到98.9%和85.6%,缓蚀效果优良,缓蚀剂用量可大大降低,酸洗液长时间保持澄清,没有沉淀物,减少了对环境的污染。
Based on the successful DSCH-1 multi-purpose pickling corrosion inhibitor, further studies and improvements were made on the formulation of corrosion inhibitors, the influence of additives and the corrosion inhibition mechanism, and a new DSCH-2 Corrosion inhibitor, which is suitable for a variety of acids in a variety of acid pickling corrosion inhibition. For example, the corrosion inhibition efficiencies of 20 boiler steel and copper in 55 ± 1 ℃ HCl reached 98.9% and 85.6%, respectively. The corrosion inhibition effect was excellent, the dosage of corrosion inhibitor could be greatly reduced, and the pickling liquid remained clear for a long time , No sediment, reducing the pollution of the environment.