由于成书仓促 ,《清史稿·藩部世表三》对青海蒙古札萨克世系的记载多有错讹之处 ,佟佳江先生所著《清史稿订误》一书业已作了部分订误。本文在此基础上 ,主要根据 1996年 12月影印出版的《光绪朝朱批奏折》、北洋时期《政府公报》第2 0 2号、《清实录》、《清代蒙古官吏传》和《蒙古世系》等史料相互印证 ,对该表予以再订误 ,旨在使之益臻完善
Due to the rush to make a book, there are many mistakes in the records of the Zaisak lineage in Qinghai Province. The book “A Book in the Qing Dynasty” written by Mr. Tong Jiajiang has been partially in error. Based on this, this article mainly based on “Guangxu towards Zhu Zhu”, published in photocopy of December 1996, No. 202 of “Government Gazette”, “Qing Record”, “Biography of Mongolian Officials in the Qing Dynasty” and “ ”And other historical data confirm each other, the table be further errors, aims to make it better