7月26日,NAI 宣布其用于 Exchange 的新版本 GmupShield 软件开始发售,可用来抗击 Email 携带病毒.作为反病毒群件产品,现在 GroupShield 使用具有ViruLogic 功能的“双重启发”式技术,对于 Exchange 可以查出过去不认识的病毒。大多数反病毒程序使用传统的病毒特征文件匹配技术,单启发式扫描根据类似病毒行为的特征来发现新的未知的病毒。由于启发式扫描会因为虚假警报而增加用户负担,这种检测常被禁止,而使得系统留下新病毒可乘之机。使用ViruLogic 技术,用于 Exchange 的GroupShield 提供了“双重启发式”扫描技术,消除了这种虚假警报,从而提高了检测新病毒的精确度。
NAI announced on July 26 that a new version of its GmupShield software for Exchange will be available for sale to combat Email-borne viruses.As an anti-virus groupware product, GroupShield now uses “dual-heuristic” technology with ViruLogic capabilities that Exchange can Detected in the past do not know the virus. Most anti-virus programs use traditional virus signature matching techniques, and single-heuristic scanning finds new and unknown viruses based on the characteristics of similar virus behaviors. Because heuristic scanning can increase user burdens due to false alarms, such tests are often banned, leaving the system to take advantage of the new virus. Using ViruLogic technology, GroupShield for Exchange offers “double heuristic” scanning technology that eliminates this false alarm, increasing the accuracy of detecting new viruses.