WTO “农业协定”生效以来,各成员国均调整了农业价格及收入支持政策,由过去侧重于农产品价格支持与市场干预,转向了对农民进行直接收补贴,建立了与生产不挂钩的收入支持体系。虽然中国在农业科研、基础设施建设等支持总量上具有较高水平,但由于体制原因,这些支持并未真正全部用于农业部门……
Since the entry into force of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, all member states have adjusted their agricultural price and income support policies. In the past, they focused on agricultural product price support and market intervention and shifted their direct subsidies to farmers and established non-pegged income support system. Although China has a high level of total support for agricultural research and infrastructure construction, due to institutional reasons, these supports have not really been fully used in the agricultural sector.