说到掌上电脑,除了Pocket PC和Palm OS两大操作系统,Linux也算是人们能说的上口的一个。在2002年国内的快译通曾经推出一款采用Linux操作系统的强力产品,当时得到使用及评测人员一致好评,但总有“昙花一现”的嫌疑。不过随着Sharp、三星等大厂开始推出基于Linux的产品,我们更想知道Sharp的PDA以及三星的手机是否可以和其他厂商生产的采用PocketPC和Smartphone的产品相媲美。我们从Sharp的Zaurus SL-5600来探明这一点。
Speaking of Pocket PC, in addition to the Pocket PC and Palm OS two operating systems, Linux is one of the catchy people can say. In 2002, China Fast Translation had introduced a powerful product using the Linux operating system, was used and critics alike, but there is always “short-lived” suspicion. However, with Sharp, Samsung and other manufacturers starting to launch Linux-based products, we would like to know whether Sharp’s PDA and Samsung’s mobile phones and other manufacturers can produce comparable products using PocketPC and Smartphone. We see this from Sharp’s Zaurus SL-5600.