摩托车运动需要雄厚的经济实力作基础。因此,我国的此项运动多少年来主要是“官办”。近些年来,由于经济结构发生了巨大的变化,“官办”摩托车运动已很困难,故有人萌发了民办摩托车运动的念头,西安凯旋摩托车俱乐部就在此时诞生了。 1996年冬,西安航天城067基地酷爱摩托车运动的付敏奇在《摩托车》杂志发表“以车会友”寻找西安地区摩托车爱好者的启事。当期杂志出刊半月后,17名来自不同岗位、不同职业、不同经历、不同年龄的摩友相聚在西
Motor sports need solid economic strength as a foundation. Therefore, the movement in our country has been mainly “government-run” for many years. In recent years, due to great changes in the economic structure, “government-run” motorcycles have been very difficult, so some people have sprouted the idea of private motorcycles, Xi’an triumph motorcycle club was born at this time. In the winter of 1996, Fu Minqi, who loves motorcycles at base 067 in Xi’an Aerospace City, published an article entitled “With Friends of Vehicles” in motorcycle magazine to find enthusiasts of motorcycles in Xi’an. Half a month after the current issue of the magazine, 17 people from different positions, different occupations, different experiences and different ages gathered together in the West