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女性解放问题一直是中国近现代文学中高亢的旋律。五四新文学提供了毅然冲决家庭藩篱寻求性别解放却最终铩羽而归的知识女性镜像,而解放区文学则催生了一个在生产领域肩起革命重任从而迈出女性解放实质性步伐的劳动妇女谱系。在革命浪潮的裹挟下,解放区女性在生产劳动中确认了自身的社会价值,男女两性社会地位的平等第一次从政治、经济而不是从文化心理角度得到了肯定。 The issue of women’s liberation has always been a high-pitched melody in modern Chinese literature. The May Fourth new literature provided a mirror image of knowledge women who definitively decided to seek gender liberation through family barriers, while the Liberated Areas literature gave birth to the pedigree of a working woman who shouldered the revolutionary task in the field of production and took the substantive step toward female liberation. Under the tide of the revolutionary wave, women in the liberated areas confirmed their social value in their productive labor. For the first time, equality between men and women in social status was affirmed politically and economically rather than culturally.
[摘要] 目的 经直肠超声(TRUS)引导行前列腺穿刺活检,探讨老年人前列腺外腺低回声结节与良性前列腺增生(BPH)的关系。方法 对420例疑患前列腺癌患者行TRUS引导下行前列腺穿刺活检,其血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)为0.7~32,9μg/L,平均9.4μg/L。 结果 420例穿刺病理检查,253例(60.2%)为前列腺良性病变,167例(39.8%)为前列腺癌;经TRUS检查,19