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讲授陶渊明的诗《归园田居》的意境时,让学生根据诗中的描述做一幅画,展示陶渊明归园后的生活环境,学生给了我意想不到的惊喜。学生描绘的画面详尽、美观,富于哲理,超乎老师的想象。画面中有整齐的稻田,充当院墙的篱笆,院外的小桥流水,院中的柳树水井,树荫下的石桌,榆柳桃李间? When teaching Tao Yuanming’s poem “The Garden of Returning to the Garden”, let the students make a painting based on the description in the poem, and show the living environment of Tao Yuanming after returning to the garden. The students gave me an unexpected surprise. The picture depicted by the students is detailed, beautiful, philosophical, and beyond the imagination of the teacher. There are neat rice fields in the picture, acting as fences on the walls of the courtyard, bridges flowing out of the courtyard, willow wells in the courtyard, and stone tables under the shade of the trees.
致力于教材、教法、学习科学的研究应是中小学教师的终身课题。最近读了由云南省教委主任杨崇龙作序 ,云南教育出版社出版 ,李绍亮老师著的《中学数学教育与解题研究》 ,感到
三元一次方程组比二元一次方程组复杂一些 ,而且也没有一般的解法步骤 ,有些题的解法技巧性很强 ,因此 ,学生在解此类方程组时常感到困难。那么 ,怎样才能掌握好三元一次方程
附图是初中化学《一氧化碳》一节里用来附图 煤炉里煤层上方   的蓝色火焰  告诉一氧化碳燃烧时呈蓝色火焰的插图。若将其蕴藏的反应引导出来 ,可获四个好处。一、引导
1 圆锥曲线焦点弦的长度取值范围定理 1 椭圆 x2a2 +y2b2 =1  (a b 0 )的离心率e=ca ,p为焦点到相应准线的距离 ,p =b2c .设椭圆焦点弦AB的长度为d ,则d∈ 2ep ,2ep1-e2 ,即d∈2b2a ,2a .证明 以椭
Three kinds of polysaccharides:GFW,GFH and GFA,were sequentially extracted from a red alga Gloiopeltis furcatawith 25℃and 85℃water,and 60℃ 4%NaOHwater soluti
素质教育的核心是要培养学生的创造力 ,而这种创造力的取得 ,不仅需要基础理论知识 ,还需激发学生的兴趣和动手欲望 ,清除那些干扰和抑制学生动手的不利因素。在这项艰巨而复
如果是由我来提供一篇“三角形的内角和”课例的话 ,我相信多数读者都很难耐着性子将其读完 (资料上见得多了 ) .但是 ,东江老师提供的课例 ,一如既往总是富于情节 .除非你根
Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic pathogen widely distributed in estuarine and coastal seawaters.In this study,a culture-free method was developed to rapid