据调查和试验分析,同地区、同样的技术措施,不同的播种期,玉米生育过程中遇到的气象条件不同,产量差异很大,现将我地区春玉米适宜播种期的初步研究结果介绍如下: 一、春玉米不同播种期 与出苗的关系 播种至出苗的快慢与温度、水份关系密切,春玉米播种,按我地区气温条件,快的8-12天,慢的要25天以上。但土壤水份以田间持水量的65—70%发芽才有利,温度高,种子吸收水份快,反之则慢。据试验,
According to the survey and the experimental analysis, with the same area, the same technical measures, different sowing dates, different weather conditions encountered in the process of maize growth, the yield is very different. The preliminary results of the suitable sowing date for spring maize in our region are as follows : First, the relationship between spring corn sowing and emergence of different sowing to the speed of emergence and temperature, water closely, spring corn sown, according to my regional temperature conditions, fast 8-12 days, slow to more than 25 days. However, the soil moisture in the field of water content of 65-70% of the germination of favorable, high temperature, the seeds absorb moisture quickly, otherwise slow. According to the experiment,