松实小卷蛾(Petrova Cristata Walsingham)在我市各国营林场及乡、镇松林内发生普遍,危害较严重,致使松梢多年连续被害后,造成主、侧梢弯枯,果萎籽瘪。为确保松林正常生长,种实稳产保收,我们于1991—1994年先后在市林科所及凤阳县24万亩松林内,对该虫进行了生物学特性的观察和
Petrova Cristata Walsingham is common in the forest farms of various townships in the city and townships and towns in the pine forests. After the pests were damaged continuously for many years, the main and lateral shoots were wilted and the seeds wilted. In order to ensure the normal growth of pine forests and ensure the stable yield, we observed the biological characteristics of the pests in the forest of Linke and Fengyang in 1991 and 1994 respectively