共享经济的浪潮正席卷全球,中国的共享经济时代也随之到来。如今,人人共享的共享经济时代正悄然走进并改变着我们的生活、工作甚至思想。为用户提供城市便捷召车服务的Uber、提供旅行房屋租赁服务的AIRBNB、提供汽车租赁服务的Zip Car和Snap Goods、提供联合办公的Wework等一批企业的迅速崛起,正是共享经济的标志性代表。未来,依靠燃烧化石燃料、以消费为基础的工业经济即将终结,而依靠分享、开放和连接而发展起来的共享经济则会逐渐繁荣。共享经济
The wave of sharing economy is sweeping the globe, and China’s era of shared economy will follow. Nowadays, the era of shared economy everyone is quietly entering and changing our lives, our jobs and our thinking. Uber, which offers city-convenient call-outs, AIRBNB, which offers travel rental housing, Zip Car and Snap Goods, which provide car rental services, and the rapid rise of a number of companies such as Wework in the joint office, are the hallmarks of a shared economy representative. In the future, the consumption-based industrial economy, which relies on the burning of fossil fuels, will soon come to an end and the shared economy, which has been developed by sharing, opening up and connecting, will gradually prosper. Share economy