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邦德理论及其易磨性试验方法产生于20世纪50年代,当时水泥行业像辊压机这类新设备新工艺尚未出现,所以其应用仅限于传统球磨机。现在随着挤压粉磨的普及,如何用邦德易磨性计算产量和电耗,一直多有探讨。2013年,笔者通过反求论证,提出辊压机、立磨、小段磨等系统的产量计算公式[1]。文章发表后,收到了很多应用反馈,基本证实其应用的可行性。根据这些生产和原料的试验数据积累,本文针对HFCG辊压机近20年来的应用,以较大的时间跨度,从不同规格(120-36~200-180)、不同工艺 The Bond theory and its wear-resistance test methods were developed in the 1950s when new processes such as roller presses were not found in the cement industry, so their use was limited to conventional ball mills. Now with the popularity of squeeze grinding, how to use Bond grindability calculation of output and power consumption, has been more discussed. In 2013, the author put forward the formula for calculating the output of roller press, vertical mill, small section mill and other systems through reverse demonstration [1]. After the article was published, it received a lot of application feedback, basically confirming the feasibility of its application. According to these experimental data of production and raw material accumulation, this paper aims at the application of HFCG roller press in recent 20 years, with a large time span, from different specifications (120-36 ~ 200-180), different processes
患者,女性,58岁,主因"发现颈部包块4 d"入院。病例特点:(1)老年女性;(2)患者于1年前,无明显诱因出现右颈部疼痛并伴有同侧颈部至脑后、前胸放射痛,无声音嘶哑,无心慌手抖,无乏力及盗