2001年9月11日清晨,美国联合航空公司的93号客机载着40 余名乘客起飞。起飞不久后,另两架客机被恐怖分子劫持先后撞上纽约世贸大厦,一架撞入五角大楼。此时,93号客机也被四名恐怖分子持刀和炸弹劫持,所有乘客被集中在机体后部, 驾驶员被杀害,飞机被恐怖分子控制飞往华盛顿方向。惊恐慌乱之中,乘客们意识到处境危险,纷纷通过电话与亲人告别,然后联合起来,赤手空拳地向恐怖分子发起了攻击,争取控制飞机,求得最后一线生机……
On the morning of September 11, 2001, United Airlines’ 93 passenger plane took off more than 40 passengers. Shortly after the take-off, two more aircraft were hijacked by terrorists and hit the New York World Trade Center and one crashed into the Pentagon. At this time, the 93 passenger plane was also hijacked by four terrorists armed with knives and bombs. All the passengers were concentrated in the rear of the aircraft and the driver was killed. The aircraft was flown to Washington by terrorists. In panic, passengers are aware of the danger and have bid farewell to their relatives over the phone, and then unite to launch an attack with bare-handed terrorists to fight for control of the plane, the last line of survival ...