科学防治病虫 韭菜才安全 河北省农业厅制定韭菜病虫害防治指导意见

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近期,“毒韭菜”事件又见报端,在大家高度关注食品安全的今天,韭菜的质量安全再一次引起消费者、农民和农业主管部门的重视。为指导农民合理使用农药、科学防治病虫害,确保韭菜质量安全,河北省农业厅近日组织有关专家制定了《韭菜病虫害防治指导意见》,本刊特此予以详细介绍,供菜农参考。 Recently, the “poisonous leek” event see the newspaper again, everyone is highly concerned about food safety today, leek quality and safety once again attracted the attention of consumers, farmers and agricultural authorities. In order to guide farmers to use pesticides reasonably, prevent pests and diseases and ensure the quality and safety of leeks, Hebei Provincial Department of Agriculture recently organized relevant experts to formulate “Guiding Opinions on Prevention and Control of Leek Pests and Diseases”, which is hereby described in detail for vegetable farmers’ reference.