
来源 :中华临床医师杂志(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magicwen_STWH
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目的系统分析评价我国近9年来有关西部地区鼠疫疫情、鼠疫疫源地特征及鼠疫监测的文献,以描述和了解该地区鼠疫疫源地发展趋势。方法制定检索策略,在PubMed、Science Direct、中文全文等数据库与WHO、美国CDC等官方网站上检索并纳入2000年至今的相关文献。采用定性系统分析方法严格评价纳入文献。系统分析2000~2008年西南地区鼠疫疫情趋势,疫源地地理景观特征,动物宿主及媒介特征。结果共纳入14篇文献,包括13篇原始研究,1篇综述;以云南、贵州和四川为观察目的地的西南地区被5种鼠疫疫源地穿越和包绕,鼠疫疫情从2000开始逐年下降,呈稳定趋势;四川地区疫源地有轻微活跃趋势,但无病例报道。不同地区的同类疫源地在地理景观和动物特征方面非常近似。结论近年来西部地区鼠疫疫情处于稳定状态,局部疫源地有轻微活跃趋势,疫源地通道的扩展威胁存在。提示西南地区要严控鼠疫通道的扩散,加强监测力度。 OBJECTIVE: To systematically analyze and evaluate the recent nine years in China about the epidemic situation of plague in Western China, the characteristics of plague origin and the surveillance of plague in order to describe and understand the development trend of plague origin in the area. Methods To develop a search strategy, search and integrate the relevant literature from 2000 to the present on official websites such as PubMed, Science Direct, Chinese full text database, WHO and the United States CDC. Systematic analysis using qualitative analysis of strict evaluation included in the literature. Systematic analysis of 2000-2008 epidemic situation of plague in Southwest China, the geographical characteristics of the foci, animal hosts and media characteristics. Results A total of 14 articles were included, including 13 original studies and 1 review. The southwestern regions of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan were traversed and enveloped by five kinds of plague foci. The plague outbreak began to decline from 2000, Showing a steady trend; there is a slight active trend in the foci of Sichuan Province, but no case report. Similar foci in different areas are very similar in terms of geographical landscape and animal characteristics. Conclusions In recent years, the epidemic situation of plague in the western region has been in a stable state with a slight active trend in the endemic foci, and the expansion threat of foci in the foci exists. Prompted the southwest to strictly control the spread of the plague channel, to strengthen monitoring efforts.
“乾坤大,霜林独坐,红叶纷纷堕。”——王国维《点绛唇》一、冰山应效 1905年,王国维发表《红楼梦评论》,其中第一次提出“天才”说;1907年,王国维发表《古雅之在美学上之位
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