Non-pulmonary allergic diseases and inflammatory bowel disease: A qualitative review

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuliumin3
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While the etiological underpinnings of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) are highly complex, it has been not-ed that both clinical and pathophysiological similarities exist between IBD and both asthma and non-pulmonary allergic phenomena. In this review, several key points on common biomarkers, pathophysiology, clinical manifesta-tions and nutritional and probiotic interventions for both IBD and non-pulmonary allergic diseases are discussed.Histamine and mast cell activity show common behav-iors in both IBD and in certain allergic disorders. IgE also represents a key immunoglobulin involved in both IBD and in certain allergic pathologies, though these links require further study. Probiotics remain a critically important intervention for both IBD subtypes as well as multiple allergic phenomena. Linked clinical phenomena, especially sinonasal disease and IBD, are discussed. In addition, nutritional interventions remain an underuti-lized and promising therapy for modification of both al-lergic disorders and IBD. Recommending new mothers breastfeed their infants, and increasing the duration of breastfeeding may also help prevent both IBD and al-lergic diseases, but requires more investigation. While much remains to be discovered, it is clear that non-pulmonary allergic phenomena are connected to IBD in a myriad number of ways and that the discovery of com-mon immunological pathways may usher in an era of vastly improved treatments for patients. While the etiological underpinnings of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are highly complex, it has been not-ed that both both and pathophysiological similarities exist between IBD and both asthma and non-pulmonary allergic phenomena. In this review, several key points on common biomarkers , pathophysiology, clinical manifesta-tions and nutritional and probiotic interventions for both IBD and non-pulmonary allergic diseases are discussed. Histamine and mast cell activity show common behav-iors in both IBD and in certain allergic disorders. IgE also represents a key immunoglobulin involved in both IBD and in certain allergic pathologies, though these links require further study. Although these links require further study. interventions remain an underutil-lized and promising therapy for modification of both al-ler Recombinant new mothers breastfeed their infants, and increasing the duration of breastfeeding may also help both both IBD and al-lergic diseases, but requires more investigation. While much remains to be discovered, it is clear that non-pulmonary allergic phenomena are connected to IBD in a myriad number of ways and that the discovery of com-mon immunological pathways may usher in an era of vastly improved treatments for patients.
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