中国建筑:逆势崛起 创央企一流

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在2012年“央企负责人会议”上,国资委王勇主任深有感触地说:2011年,有些企业经营指标下滑很厉害,总是强调外部环境变差了。面对同样严峻的形势,中国建筑身处全竞争行业,基建、地产又是国家宏观调控的重点领域,为什么中国建筑却实现了逆势大发展?国务院国有企业监事会主席时希平激情满怀地说:市场并没有偏爱中建,中建人用智慧和创先争优精神,把这个问号拉成了漂亮的惊叹号!中建的房 In 2012, at the meeting of heads of central enterprises, Wang Yong, director of SASAC, said with deep feeling: In 2011, some business indicators declined greatly, always emphasizing the deterioration of the external environment. Faced with the same grim situation, China’s construction industry is in a fully competitive industry, infrastructure, real estate and national macro-control is the focus of the field, why the Chinese construction has achieved tremendous growth? State-owned Enterprise Board of Supervisors Chairman Xi Ping said passionately : The market did not prefer CCT, China Construction and use of human wisdom and a spirit of excellence, the question mark pulled into a beautiful exclamation point!