根据新疆盖孜河流域规划,盖孜河的防护对象主要位于出山口至三道桥50 km河段上,一般对象的防洪标准为10年一遇,重点对象的防洪标准为20年一遇,本次按防护对象的最高防洪标准20年一遇考虑(P=5%),河道允许的安全泄量为460 m~3/s。布仑口~公格尔水电站处在中游河段之首,故其只能控制出山口洪水的一部分。因此,依据新疆盖孜河流域~防洪规划的防洪要求,布仑口~公格尔水电站在小于20年一遇洪水时允许的最大下泄流量为150 m~3/s。
According to the plan of the Gaize River Basin in Xinjiang, the protection targets for the Gaize River are mainly located in the 50 km reach from the mouth of the Gaisze River to the San Dao Bridge. Flood control standards of the general targets are 10 years and flood control standards of key targets are once every 20 years. According to the highest flood protection standards for the protection of objects considered once every 20 years (P = 5%), the allowable safe discharge of the river is 460 m ~ 3 / s. Burenkou ~ Gong’erl hydropower station in the middle reaches of the first, so it can only control a part of the mountain pass floods. Therefore, based on the flood control requirements of the Gaize River Basin ~ flood control planning in Xinjiang, the maximum allowable discharge of Bulankou ~ Gong’erl Hydropower Station in less than 20 years of flood is 150m ~ 3 / s.