核桃苗期地下害虫是影响优良核桃苗木生产的主要因素之一.经调查发现:(1)核桃苗地地下害虫主要类群为金龟叩头虫甲(chckchafers and skipjacks);(2)核桃苗地下害虫在商洛全区普遍发生并逐年加重;(3)地下害虫多,为害加重的主要原因是育苗连作,未腐熟农家肥的施用和防治不力.
The results showed that: (1) The main groups of underground pests in walnut seedlings were chckchafers and skipjacks; (2) the underground pests of walnut seedlings were in the Shangluo generally occur throughout the region and increase year by year; (3) underground pests and more harmful to the main reason is nursery continuous cropping, rotten manure application and control ineffective.