自由间接文体是将人物“直接话语”的语法等特征与叙事者的“直接”表述特征相糅合以展示人物思想或话语的表现方法。自由间接文体的魅力如何 ,渊源何在 ?是简·奥斯汀的匠心独运 ,还是有其生长演变的自然轨迹 ?本文试图通过萨穆尔·理查森和简·奥斯汀代表作品中的范例 ,寻求该文体的发展脉络和文体本身的特征。
Free Indirect Style is a way to express the thought or discourse of characters by combining features such as “direct discourse” grammar with narrator’s “direct” expression features. What is the Origin of Jane Austen’s Originality? Or Is There a Natural Trait of Its Growth and Evolution? This paper tries to find the style of the style through the examples of Samuel Richardson and Jane Austen Development context and stylistic characteristics.