【摘 要】
俯视宁夏回族自治区版图,其振翅欲飞的形状不禁使人联想起银川团结碑上那只光华灿烂的金凤凰。然而,让人不无遗憾的是:这只金凤凰背负老、少、边、穷四座大山,又被闭塞落后所围困,纵有刺破青天的壮志,起飞又谈何容易! 宁夏经济振兴的出路在哪里?这是五百万宁夏人深感困惑的难题。如今,改革开放使这一难题有了一个答案:要想富,先修路。正是为了这一宏愿的实现,宁夏人决心向高起点冲击,披肝沥胆筑就起一条前无古人的通衢大道——银古一级公路。
Overlooking the map of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the shape of its wings to fly can not help but remind Yinchuan solidarity monument Brilliant Brilliance Phoenix. However, people are not without regret: the Phoenix is carrying the old, the less, the edge, the poor four mountains, has been blocked behind the siege, despite the punctured the aspirations of the sky, take off and talk about how easy! Ningxia economic rejuvenation in the Where? This is five million people in Ningxia deeply puzzled problem. Nowadays, the reform and opening up have given an answer to this difficult problem. It is for the realization of this ambition that Ningxia people are determined to attack from a high starting point and play an indispensable role in building an ancient thoroughfare-Yinu-Class highway.
做生意都有生意经。大连市的水果罐头加工厂老板林楠,用了10年时间,使产品销售到世界29个国家,年销售额两亿多元。国内曾经是被林楠忽视的市场,但现在已经成为他重要的利润来源。从国际成功走回国内,林楠有自己的生意经。 经过考察,林楠发现国内的水果罐头虽然有一定的市场,但是销售量并不如他想象中那么大,罐头产品是物资匮乏时期的产物,现在人们一年四季都可以吃到新鲜水果,罐头的市场容量因而缩小了。林楠派人每
The Hangzhou International Alliance and the Inter-national Talent Club formed on Nov. 2020 to attract more talents and further push the internationaliza-tion of
沉着冷静威慑歹徒 劫车一般是途中突发事件,一旦发现歹徒有劫车企图或开始实施抢劫时,司乘人员切忌慌张恐惧,要保持头脑清醒,积极思考对策,应付劫车局面;司机镇定,不仅能稳住乘客的
Both ginsenoside Rg1 and insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰ (IGF-Ⅰ) has been reported to exert neurotropic and neuroprotective effects on the nervous system.The
一身儒雅西装,一腔英式英语,一脸可掬笑容,克雷格·罗伯茨(Craig D.Roberts)教授给人的第一印象无疑是一位绅士.谈到日常生活,他无比平易近人;谈到科研工作,他富有耐心,强调
Objective To investigate the effects of nitric oxide (NO) on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)expression in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus and the