新中国成立以后 ,毛泽东十分重视卫生防疫工作 ,领导全国人民开展了规模宏大的爱国卫生运动 ,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。在爱国卫生运动中他多次做批示、拟文件 ,深刻阐述了卫生防疫工作的重大意义和指导思想 ,并在实践的基础上总结出了领导卫生防疫工作的重要经验。本文试图
After the founding of new China, Mao Zedong paid great attention to the work of epidemic prevention and health and led the people across the country in launching the massive patriotic health campaign and achieved tremendous achievements that attracted worldwide attention. During the patriotic health campaign, he repeatedly gave instructions and drafted documents that profoundly expounded the great significance and guiding ideology of health and epidemic prevention work and summed up the important experience in leading health and epidemic prevention work on the basis of practice. This article attempts