Performance Study of Copper-Bearing High Strength Ship-Hull Steel

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytx200909
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The variation in microstructures and the mechanical properties of a Copper-bearing high strength ship-hull steel at different aging temperature was studied.The peak strength was obtained at the aging temperature of 450 ℃,which was attribute to the plentiful Cu precipitates and a bit of Nb(C,N).In the over-aged condition,both the partial recovery of matrix and the coarsening of Cu particles (10-60 nm) caused the loss of the yield strength (YS) and the improvement of toughness.The increase of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at aging temperature above 660℃ due to the formation of alloy-rich island structure transformed from the austenite phase upon cooling,and complied with the mixture law.The copper-bearing ship steel can exhibit an excellent combination of high strength and toughness while aging at 660 ℃ for 2 hours (UTS-818 MPa,YS-745 MPa,Akv-161 J at-40℃). The variation in microstructures and the mechanical properties of a Copper-bearing high strength ship-hull steel at different aging temperature was studied. The peak strength was obtained at the aging temperature of 450 ° C, which was attribute to the plentiful Cu precipitates and a bit of Nb (C, N) .In the over-aged condition, both the partial recovery of the matrix and the coarsening of Cu particles (10-60 nm) caused the loss of the yield strength (YS) and the improvement of toughness. increase of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at aging temperature above 660 ° C due to the formation of alloy-rich island structure transformed from the austenite phase upon cooling, and complied with the mixture law. the copper-bearing ship steel can exhibit an excellent combination of high strength and toughness while aging at 660 ° C for 2 hours (UTS-818 MPa, YS-745 MPa, Akv-161 J at-40 ° C).
2017年5月7日,中国科学院院士、首届国家最高科技奖获得者吴文俊与世长辞,享年98岁。这位中国著名的数学家,用一生时间在数学世界立起了两座丰碑:他早年研究拓扑学,在法国掀起了一场学科革命;年近花甲之时,他又从中国古代数学思想出发,探索数学机械化的可能性,令中国传统数学在计算机的时代获得了新生。  在法国掀起“拓扑学革命”  1949年秋天,在到法国学习将近两年之后,吴文俊从法德边境上的斯特拉斯堡