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经济体制改革以来,文教行政财务也作了较大的改革,但这些改革总体看还是局部性的。文教行政财务管理体制仍未摆脱产品经济框框的束缚,与社会主义市场经济要求有较大的差距。1、未按照市场资源配置原则设置文教行政机构,机构布局不尽合理,重复设置,规模经济不理想,机构和人员增长过盈,大大地超越了财政承受能力。长期以来,文教事业发展重城市,轻乡村的问题一直没有得到很好的解决,大量的设备和人才挤在高宅深院,而乡村的各项事业设备短缺,技术落后,人才匮乏。从南宁地区实际情况看,文教行政机构设置过份追求小而全,大而全。如仅地区本级科研 Since the reform of the economic system, the cultural and educational administrative finances have also made greater reforms. However, these reforms have generally been localized. Cultural and educational administrative financial management system has not yet got rid of the shackles of the product economy and has a large gap with the requirements of the socialist market economy. 1. Failing to set up cultural, educational and educational institutions in accordance with the principle of market resources allocation, the layout of institutions is not rationalized and repeated. The economies of scale are not ideal, and the growth of institutions and personnel has surpassed that of financial ones. For a long time, the issue of focusing on the development of culture and education in the cities and towns has never been solved well. A large number of equipment and talents have been crowded on the homes of high-house houses, while the facilities and equipment in rural areas have been in short supply, with backward technology and a shortage of qualified personnel. From the actual situation in Nanning, cultural and educational administration set excessive pursuit of small but complete, large and complete. Such as only the level of scientific research
根据最新的调查,从事面对面客户服务的工作者认为最难缠的客户是以下四类人: 1.固执的怪人这种客户不关心解决问题,而是“为了投诉而投诉”。他们的座右铭是“我是对的,你是
大理窃蠹(Ptilineurus marmoratusReitter)在湖北各地是一种习见的仓库害虫。文献记载我国北京、河南、山东、贵州、广西有分布。寄生半风干或干枯的带皮木材和植物性药材。
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