深入浅出 融汇贯通——谈工艺美术平面构成教学

来源 :郴州师专学报(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshiliuning
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作为工艺美术设计基础的平面构成,是现代设计基础的一个重要组成部分,尤其在二维空间的平面设计领域,对于形态的组织和分解以及形态的空间安排等一些关键性问题具有深远的指导意义。平面构成的学习和掌握对于培养学生的艺术思维、设计思维和设计能力亦具有重大作用。 另一方面,由于平面构成教学内容的抽象性,形式化,再加上理论概念的理性化、罗辑思维,往往给初学者带来迷乱和困惑。学生停留在繁杂的点线面和几何图形面前,看不到这些从抽象到抽象的形式规律背后的真正意义及其与实用设计的密切联系,学习兴趣索然无味,即使是学生学了,也是知其然不知其所以然,只知道是平面设计的基础,却不知道如何去运用。随着时间的推移,其内容如过眼云烟,很快就淡忘了。从教学效果来看,学生的作业,特别是内容更抽象的作业,一眼看去,大多千篇一律,仔细看来,也是大同小异,要不是作业上写了名字,连学生自己也很难辨认出哪些是自己的作业。因此,学生在抽象的概念和抽象的图形中,就会认为这些训练是一些毫无意义机械单调的重复劳动,由枯燥乏味产生消极认识。 那么,到底怎么样使平面构成这门抽象的基础课的教学能变得生动有趣些,使学生摆脱困惑和迷惘,积极主动地去探索掌握平面构成中的抽象规律,达到教学目的,是任课教师? As a basic component of the design of arts and crafts, it is an important part of the modern design foundation. Especially in the field of graphic design in two-dimensional space, it has far-reaching guiding significance for some key issues such as the organization and decomposition of forms and the spatial arrangement of forms . Plane composition of the learning and mastery of students for artistic thinking, design thinking and design ability also has a significant role. On the other hand, due to the abstraction, formalization and the rationalization of the theoretical concepts of plane-based teaching content, Luo thinking often brings confusion and confusion for beginners. Students stay in front of the complicated point line surface and geometry, can not see the true meaning behind these formal rules from abstract to abstract and its close connection with practical design, interest in learning is boring, even students learn, but also know However, I do not know why I only know that the basis of graphic design, but do not know how to use. As time passed, its content was overwhelmed and quickly forgotten. From the teaching point of view, the students’ assignments, especially the contents of more abstract operations, at a glance, mostly stereotyped, it seems carefully, or similar, or homework to write a name, even the students themselves are difficult to identify what is Own homework Therefore, students in abstract concepts and abstract graphics, will think these training is a senseless mechanical monotonous repetitive work, resulting from boring negative awareness. So, how exactly the plane constitutes the abstract basic course of teaching can become more vivid and interesting, so that students get rid of confusion and confusion, and actively explore and grasp the plane of the composition of the abstract law, to achieve the teaching purpose, is the teacher?
【正】0.公关语言学的定义 公关语言学是公共关系学与语言学的交叉学科。公共关系(英文“Public Relations”的译文,又译作“公众关系”)常简称为“公关”,其含义可概括为“
从古至今,技术与艺术有着千丝万缕的联系。科学技术的进步带动着艺术门类和艺术品的发展。同时,人类对艺术的不断追求又激发着技术的向前发展。相互制约的同时,相互促进。 S