
来源 :英国研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiefer34
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1690—1790年英国思想和西方思想一样,受科学革命、英国革命、美国革命和法国革命的影响。大体说来,18世纪20年代之前,关于英国革命以及英国传统的讨论,关于信仰的性质、宗教宽容问题的讨论比较热烈;中间半个世纪,思想相对平静,但体系化时代开始了,现代社会科学的那些经典,处于写作或酝酿阶段,苏格兰启蒙运动进入高潮。70年代以后,受美国革命和法国革命的刺激,世俗的与宗教的激进主义兴起,思想争论变得激烈起来。 Like the Western thought, British thought in 1690-1790 was influenced by the scientific revolution, the British revolution, the American revolution, and the French revolution. In general, discussions on the British revolution and the British tradition preceded the 1920s with a rather heated discussion about the nature of faith and religious tolerance. In the middle of the past half century, the thought was relatively calm but the systemization era began. Modern society The classic of science, at the writing or brewing stage, the Enlightenment in Scotland into its climax. After the 1970s, stimulated by the American Revolution and the French Revolution, secular and religious radicalism emerged, and the ideological debate became fierce.