19世纪上半叶,美国受专业训练的建筑师还不多,因而,这些没有受过欧洲专业训练的“业余”专家们在建设自己的国家时,不是仿效书本知识,而是以创新的办法解决其所面临的建筑问题。这并不是说,当时的人们,尤其是妇女,没有建筑知识或在设计房屋时,缺少指导。当时美国出版了许多建筑图书,这些书籍刊载了可参考的建筑平面布置图、美学观点和施工方法。 妇女们认为,简洁实际上是好的设计。家具太多会令人不舒服,而追求奢侈将导致人们的道德下降。卡塞宁·碧切尔在其建筑学一书中写到“不仅在房屋设计、而且在家具布置时,中心任务应突出怎么样
In the first half of the 19th century, there were not many professional architects trained in the United States. Therefore, these “amateur” experts who have not received professional training in Europe did not follow the book knowledge when building their own country, but instead solved it in an innovative way. The architectural problems it faces. This does not mean that people at the time, especially women, lacked guidance when they did not have architectural knowledge or when designing houses. At that time, the United States published a number of architectural books that contained references to architectural layouts, aesthetics, and construction methods. Women believe that simplicity is actually a good design. Too much furniture can be uncomfortable, and pursuing luxury will lead to a decline in people’s morality. In his book on architecture, Kasenin Bichel wrote that “the central task should be prominent not only in the design of the house but also in the arrangement of furniture.