
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifengwuyang
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一、乡镇卫生院开展专科建设的背景和条件 (一)背景 乡镇卫生院是属国有的集体或全民的事业性医疗机构,在我国医疗体系中为最基层的一级医疗卫生组织。它的发展主要是依靠政府和社会各界的支持。目前的乡镇卫生院,由于国家财政的收入有限,其下拨的卫生经费还是有限的。而卫生院自身的经济收入,由于国家制定的收费标准现随着物价的上涨还不到成本收费,入不敷出。从最近几年我国乡镇卫生院的门诊量、住院日、床位使用率来看,绝大部分地区的卫生院 I. Background and conditions for township hospitals to carry out specialization construction (I) Background Township hospitals are state-owned collectives or all-people business-oriented medical institutions. They are the most basic-level medical and health organizations in China’s medical system. Its development mainly depends on the support of the government and all sectors of society. In the current township health centers, due to the limited revenue of the state finances, their allocated health funds are still limited. The hospital’s own economic income, because the country’s charging standards are now less than cost charges as prices rise, making ends meet. Judging from the outpatient visits, hospitalization days and occupancy rates of township and township hospitals in recent years, most hospitals in the region have seen
Objective] To answer the following questions:① For Oncomelania snails collected two years apart from the same locality, has there been genetic divergence?
野菊花(Chrysanthemum indicum)是菊花的一种,具有消炎、清热、解毒等作用,用于治疗疔疮、肿毒、头晕、目赤肿痛、目眩等。由于野菊花提取物具有强的醛糖还原酶抑制活性与抑
泗店乡位于山东省宁阳县南部,距县城7公里,东西邻分别为该县乡饮乡和东述镇,3个乡镇的社会经济状况基本相同。该乡辖58个自然村,有行政村36个,人口42 223人,面积56.33平方公
AIM To clone core gene cDNA of Chinesehepatitis C virus(HCV)into eukaryoticexpression vector cosmid pTM3 and to expressHCV core antigen in HepG2 cells.METHODS
一、酝酿时期 (~1956年 )虽然国际法制计量组织 (OIML)仅有不到50年的历史 ,相对比较年轻 ,但实际上有关它的建立的讨论在20世纪初就已开始了。1875年签署米制公约时 ,与会者实际上来自各国的