【摘 要】
Q: In your opinion, what elements are included in a successful personal statement? Mr. Sandoval: I have always been able to capture my appeal, and I think that the personal statements that have attracted other members also have a clear-cut theme. These personal statements can be quickly attracted to me from the structure to understand the applicant’s experience, character and potential. Therefore, a successful personal statement laid a solid foundation in the first paragraph of the article. It needs to be further developed on this basis to prove that the applicant has a clear goal in life and that he has the motivation, ambition, and passion to achieve this goal during the undergraduate and above study period. Personal statement is to show the personality of the applicant
9·28国美战争告一段落,大股东黄光裕提出的五项方案,除了撤销董事会配发、发行和买卖国美股份的一般授权获得通过外,撤销陈晓等职务和增补邹晓春等为董事的人事议案均未通过。 黄光裕还是最大的股东,此时说胜负为时过早,但现在媒体都是标题党,各大媒体都以陈晓胜出为题。 其实,陈晓并未胜出,因为他的提议都被否了。而黄家军之前把目标定得太高了——如果以去陈为目标,就失败了,如果以否定陈的提案为目标,就成功
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Wall Street Journal poll, based on phoneinterviews Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with1,025 people, seems to suggest that the 2004Democratic nomination is more val
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Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.German Chancellor(首相)Otto Von Bismarck may be most famous for his military and diplomatic
TWE(Test of Written English)是 TOEFL 考试的写作测试,是检验申请人英语水平的一个重要标准,也是大多数海外院校要求申请者提供的一项重要指标,大多数院校没有明确的分数