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检察机关科学管理是运用符合司法规律和检察工作特点的管理模式推进检察工作建设的工作制度,其产生与发展是随着加强检察机关建设的司法需求不断增强而形成的。检察机关开展科学管理的主要目标是有效制衡权力与科学配置资源。在当前各级检察机关规范化管理、绩效管理等领域的实证经验基础上,必须进一步从强化决策主体系统和决策参谋系统效率、强化法律监督工作过程和执法效果、强化监督管理领域实效性建设、强化队伍管理和事务管理等主要管理环节,进一步强化检察机关科学管理工作。 The procuratorial organs’ scientific management is a system of work that promotes the construction of procuratorial work by using the management mode consistent with the law of the judiciary and the procuratorial work. The emergence and development of the procuratorial organs are formed with the increasing judicial demand for the construction of procuratorial organs. The main objective of the procuratorial organs in carrying out scientific management is to balance the power effectively with the scientific allocation of resources. Based on the current experience of procuratorial organs at all levels in the fields of standardization management and performance management, we must further strengthen the efficiency of the system of decision-making body and decision-making staff, strengthen the process of legal supervision and the effectiveness of law enforcement, and strengthen the actual construction in the field of supervision and management, Team management and business management and other major management aspects, and further strengthen the procuratorial work of scientific management.
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