
来源 :平安校园 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:just1015
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今年三月,海南省海口市某小学校门口发生惨案,一中年男子持刀行凶,致10名学生受伤,其中2人伤势较重,随后行凶男子自杀身亡。同月,河南省也发生了一起越野车冲撞学生事件,事件造成了11名学生重伤,其中1名因伤势过重身亡。其实此类伤害事件不时见诸于报端及网络上。在校园安全事件中,同学之间纠集同伙互殴,酿成流血事件的、精神病人伤害在校生的、学生乘坐违规超载车的、留守儿童遭性侵的、学生跳楼自杀的、教师猥亵学生的、为图一时 In March this year, a tragedy occurred at the entrance of a small school in Haikou, Hainan Province. A middle-aged man attacked with his knife and wounding 10 students. Two of them were seriously injured and subsequently committed suicide. In the same month, an incident involving an SUV was also reported in Henan Province. The incident caused 11 serious injuries to students, of whom 1 died of injuries. In fact, such injuries have been seen from time to time in newspapers and online. In the campus security incident, the students gathered in gang-beating between students, causing bloodshed, mental patients hurt students, students take illegal overload vehicles, left-behind children were sexually assaulted, students commit suicide, teachers obscene students For a moment