1977年秋,有次去拜望钱鍾书先生,看来他比较悠闲,交谈也比较轻松。1972年他开始写作的皇皇巨作《管锥编》至1977年已脱稿,正在等待中华书局编辑出版。而1978 年,就明显感到他的繁忙。这年夏天,《文艺报》筹备复刊,我曾与他联系,恳请赐稿支援,均无结果。是年9月,他应邀赴意大利出席第二十六届欧洲汉学会。这是他三十多年后第一次出访,行前的准备工作够忙,特别是他在会上将作《古典文学研究在现代中国》的专题发言,更耗费了他大量的时间和精力。这个期间,他又插空编选文艺理论集《旧文四篇》,更是忙中加忙了。
In the autumn of 1977, there was time to visit Mr. Qian Zhongshu. It seems that he is more laid-back and his conversation is easier. He started writing in 1972, the great masterpiece “tube cone” until 1977 has been removed, is waiting for Zhonghua Book Company editing and publishing. In 1978, he clearly felt his busyness. This summer, when the Arts and Literature newspaper was preparing for a resumption, I contacted him and requested my contribution. There was no result. In September of the same year, he was invited to Italy to attend the twenty-sixth European Sinology Society. This is his first visit after more than 30 years and he has enough preparations before his trip. In particular, he will make a speech on the topic of “study of classical literature in modern China” and spend a lot of his time and energy . During this period, he inserted a blank episode of the “Theory of Old Articles Four”, which was even more busy.