本多胜一1931年11月出生在日本国长野县,1959年毕业于京都大学生物学科,1969年因报道越南战争而获皮恩国际记者奖,是日本著名的有正义感的记者之一。 1971年中日尚未恢复邦交,本多胜一从6月至7月就在中国各地采访,回国后8月至12月在《朝日新闻》连载了他的长篇访华报道《中国之旅》。这个报道中有南京大屠杀的内容,其中有不足一页纸的篇幅,介绍了中国方面关于日军从上海向南京进攻途中发生的“斩杀百人竞赛”事件的短评,深刻揭露了日军在中国的战争暴行,对战后以“受害者”自诩的日本产生了强烈冲击。
He was born in Nagano, Japan in November 1931 and graduated from the Faculty of Biology in Kyoto University in 1959. He received the Pien International Journalist Award for reporting the Vietnam War in 1969 and is one of Japan’s leading journalists with a sense of justice. Japan and China did not resume diplomatic relations in 1971, and during a visit to China from June to July, Mr. Motto wins a long visit to China on “Asahi Shimbun” from August to December. This report contains the contents of the Nanjing Massacre, which contains less than a page of paper, introduced the Chinese side on the Japanese from Shanghai to Nanjing on the way to the “beheaded 100 race” short commentary, deeply exposed the Japanese in The war of atrocities in China exerted a strong blow to Japan, which claimed itself as a “victim” after the war.