高士其说过:“花代表了人类的许多感情:真挚的友谊,纯洁的爱情,崇高的信仰;花象征着人类的许多愿望:幸福和平,自由独立,健康欢乐……”。因此,赏花成为一种享受,是滋养人们精神的食粮,善养花者可收到修养身心的效果。 赏花赏什么?从前赏花的标准有三个字:色、香、韵,现在补充了一个“姿”字。
Goldsmith said: “Flowers represent many human feelings: sincere friendship, pure love, lofty faith; flowers symbolize many of human aspirations: happiness and peace, freedom and independence, healthy and happy ... ...”. Therefore, the flowers to become a pleasure to nourish people’s food, good-natured florists can receive spiritual and mental health effects. What to enjoy flower viewing? Once upon a time, there are three criteria for flower viewing: color, aroma, and rhyme. Now a “pose” word is added.