为实现电力通信网络监控系统的模式化设计,基于常见的对象工厂、责任链、正面等设计模式,提出了管理器-工作者、任务-工作者设计模式,基于这些模式,实现了集网络通信模块组、业务数据处理模块组和外围支撑模块组于一体的通信网络监控系统,使得系统具有很大的灵活性和伸缩性,提高了系统的模式设计结构化程度。“,”In order to realize patterned design for communication monitoring system, we introduce manager-workers, tasks-workers design patterns, based on common design patterns such as factory method, chain of responsibility, facade. Using these patterns, we managed to design the communication monitoring system by combining module-groups like networking communication, business data processing and the peripheral support, which has great flexibility and scalability and improved the deRree of systematic pattern design structure.